Saturday, October 11, 2014

Gratitude - Love - Peace - Beauty - Art

'Now that 
all your worry

Has proved such an

Find a better

'Because' by The Beatles from the Album LOVE

Friday, October 3, 2014

Deutschland - Das Land der Dichter & Downer (Uhm 'Doener')

25 years ago marked Germany's symbolic reunification when the Berlin Wall fell.
I was two years old, when we moved to Germany. Growing up I always felt more German than Iranian until I realized that I was denying my foreign roots. All I remember is that I was extremely angry but I didn't understand why.
It took me a while to realize, that assimilation is not sustainable. At it's worst the desire to belong simply represses your need to be.
I am grateful for the loving friends, the well-rounded education and the profound culture Germany has enriched my life with. Yet on this day I'd like to point out: unity does not equal homogeneity.
Am Tag der Deutschen Einheit‬ liebe Gruesse in meine dt Heimat - das Land der Dichter & Doener !

(Funny enough, when I first typed 'Doener', the Berlin-Turkish sandwich creation, autocorrect wanted me to write 'downer'-  So Germany, don't be such a downer ! Embrace your diversity!)